W maju 2020 r. przedstawiamy artykuł Marka Ściążko i Bar tosza Mertasa pracowników Instytutu Chemicznej Przeróbki Węgla oraz Leszka Stępnia z Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej w Krakowie. Artykuł pt. ?Kinetic modelling of coking coal fluidity development? ukazał się w czasopiśmie Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry.

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Coal plasticity is a phenomenon directly affecting the creation of coke structure. It is very much a time- and temperature-dependent transformation of the coal matrix, which allows changing the physical phase from solid to liquid-like and again in to solid of different properties. The coking process, particularly in a plasticization temperature range, can be considered as a non-isothermal reaction at a constant heating rate. In this work, a macro-kinetics approach is applied that results in effective kinetic parameters, i.e. pre-exponential fac tor and activation energy. It is postulated in this work that the original content of metaplast (M0) is a part of volatile matter that melts under the effect of temperature. The coal sample can melt steadily with the temperature increase, achieving the maximum fluidity (Fmax) when the total amount of metaplast available turns in to the plastic state. Coal behaviour while it is being heated can be described by two mechanisms. Under first one, the coal turns in to plastic phase starting at t1 and ending at tmax, where solidification starts. This can be considered as independent reactions model. In the second model, both plasticization and solidification reactions compete over entire range of phenomena. This can be considered as reactions in the series model. The developed models were validated against experimental data of coal fluidity delivering kinetic parameters.

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