W styczniu 2020 r. przedstawiamy artykuł Michała Rejdaka, Jolanty Robak, Agaty Czardybon i  Kariny Ignasiak pracowników Instytutu Chemicznej Przeróbki Węgla oraz Piotra Fudała z JSW Innowacje S.A..  Artykuł pt. ?Research on the Production of Composite Fuel on the Basis of Fine-Grained Coal Fractions and Biomass?The Impact of Process Parameters and the Type of Binder on the Quality of Briquettes Produced? ukazał się w czasopiśmie Minerals.

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This paper presents the partial results of a study on obtaining compacted fuel from fine-grained coal fractions and biomass. The aim of the study was to determine the impact of selected parameters of the extrusion process and the applied binder (mechanical durability and density of the products). The fuels were formulated using the extrusion process. Raw materials used in the research were: Fine-grained coal (flotation concentrates), biomass (hydrolytic lignocellulose), and a wide spectrum of organic and mineral binders and their compositions. During the investigations, the variable fac tors were the following: Extrusion pressure, preparation of the mixtures for extrusion mixing time and temperature of the mixture), composition of the extruded mixtures (share of fine-grained coal and biomass and type of binder). It was found that it is possible to extrude mechanically durable briquettes from mixtures containing fine-grained coal products and biomass. Under the conditions of the experiment, the most favorable mechanical durability was characterized by briquettes containing in their composition 90% of coal and 6% of biomass (in relation to the dry state). The briquettes with the most favorable physico-mechanical properties were obtained using organic binders?Starch (based on wheat and pota to starch) and cellulose derivatives.

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