W marcu 2020 r. przedstawiamy artykuł Aleksandra Krótkiego, Lucyny Więcław-Solny, Marcina Steca, Tomasza Spietza, Andrzeja Wilka, Tadeusza Chwoły i Krzysz tofa Jastrzębia pracowników Instytutu Chemicznej Przeróbki Węgla. Artykuł pt. ?Experimental results of advanced technological modifications for a CO2 capture process using amine scrubbing? ukazał się w czasopiśmie International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control.

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This paper provides a discussion of the experimental results obtained at the amine-based carbon capture pilot plant having the capacity of 200?m3n/h of flue gas, using 30?wt% ethanolamine solution as a solvent. The objective was to prove the superiority of application of advanced amine flow systems as well as of the novel stripper internal heater fulfilling pilot Technology Readiness Level. Standard process flow sheet, multi absorber feed and split-flow process modifications with and without stripper interheating were examined. A vast number of process parameters were recorded during the trials. The data were critically analysed, compared and presented in the paper. Demonstrated process flow modifications resulted in a reduction of the reboiler heat duty by about 5%, while using internal stripper interheatingby 9÷11 %, comparing to standard amine-based carbon capture plant.

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